How Long Does Juicer Juice Last? Everything You Need To Know 2021

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If you enjoy taking juice, making it at home can be quite advantageous. When it comes to juicing, most people want to take more than one serving, meaning they have to make extra juice. How long does juicer juice last? Remember it is fresh juice, so the longer you keep it, the high chances of getting spoilt.

Anytime you make juice at home, it should be taken right away. This is because fresh juice tends to get stale if not taken in good time. However, juicer juice can be preserved in the fridge for later use. Maybe you were preparing it for a later event in the day; you can still preserve it.

How Long Does Juicer Juice Last?

It can be quite tedious making homemade juice, especially one that can cater to many people. This makes many people ask, “how long does juicer juice last?” because they may want to make a lot of it at once. Most times, juicer juice can go for up to 72 hours without getting spoilt.  However, this will be determined by your preservation method.

How Long Does Juicer Juice Last

Inasmuch as juicer juice is perishable and recommended for consuming right away, that may not always be practical. To benefit more from your homemade juice, ensure that you preserve it properly. Once you do that, the juice can last for even five days, but its nutrition value will not be the same. It is always good to consume fresh homemade juice the same day you make it to get the most out of it.

How Do You Preserve Juice From A Juicer?

Freshly made juice from a juicer is always nutritious and incredibly refreshing. Someone may ask, how long does juicer juice last? This depends on the juicer used and the preservation method that will be used. When you store your juice correctly, it can last between 48 to 72 hours.

To preserve juice from a juicer here is what you should do: –

Consider Category Of Juicer:

The best way to preserve your juice is by using the three juicer categories, which are Masticating juicer, Centrifugal juicer, and Twin Gear juicer. Using a masticating juicer will take 48 hours to preserve your juice, which is the same as two days. A Centrifugal juicer will preserve juice for 24 hours, which is one day, while a Twin Gear juicer will keep your juice fresh for up to five days.

Preserve In Jars Or Glass Bottles:

When you are done making your fresh juice, preserve it in glass bottles to maintain the freshness. Glass bottles or jars are an excellent way of preserving juice for longer. If you wonder why it’s because glass jars prevent rapid oxidation of your juice, keep it fresh for longer. This is not the same case with a plastic container, for that would make your juice go bad quite fast.

Focus On Citrus Juice:

You may not know this, but citrus juice can remain fresh for a long time. Other fruits will oxidize quite fast, making your juice go bad in a short time. Any fruit that changes its color quickly when cut will not make your juice maintain its freshness. Only fruit juice can last longer, meaning you should make it more often.

Freeze Your Juice:

If you didn’t take your juice within 24 hours, it would be better to freeze it. This is a good option to preserve your juice. When freezing, ensure you don’t fill your juice to the top to create room for expansion. However, even though you have frozen your juice, you should consume it within 72 hours because, after that, it will lose its nutritional value.

Only Use Fresh Fruits:

You have to ensure that the fruits and vegetables you want to use to make your juice are extremely fresh. Using fruits that are stale or close to getting spoilt will not preserve your juice. This will make your juice spoil fast, no matter the preservation method you use.

Natural Preservatives:

There is something about natural preservatives that maintain the quality of your juice. Therefore, once you are juicing, add some natural additives to your juice, such as honey, to keep your juice fresh. Citric acid can also be used as a natural additive, preventing microbial development while maintaining juice quality. Honey and citric acid are the best natural additives you can use if you want to prolong your juice’s freshness.

Eliminate The Pulp:

Juicing basically is making juice without the pulp because the process entails separating the liquid from the flesh. However, when using a traditional juicer, some elements of the pulp can get into your juice. That pulp can make your juice go bad quickly. To prevent that, get a filter or strainer and pour your juice in the appropriate storage container as you strain. You will have avoided the browning enzyme from wreaking havoc on your juice.

Use Dark Containers:

Light can affect your juice, making it get spoilt. That is why it is advisable to use dark or opaque containers that don’t allow light to penetrate. Using such containers will ensure that your juice retains its flavor and nutrients.

Final Thought

Homemade juice is usually fresh and nutritious, making it incredibly delicious. When you make it, you should consume it within the first few hours to ensure that you receive all its nutritional value.  Having said that, how long does juicer juice last? This will depend on several factors, but the main being the preservation method used.

It may not be possible to take your juice right away because of some understandable reasons. This may lead you to keep your juice for later use. To prevent it from going bad, consider the preservation methods we have highlighted to maintain its quality and freshness.

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Greg Vargas


Hi, I am Greg Vargas, I am a businessman and researcher. I have a business where I sell different types of juicer machines and its related tools. Because of my business, I have to face so many clients of these juicer machines and tools users. I saw many of them face difficulties with installation, maintenance, not getting the exact amount of service, or buying the wrong one. All those problems they face because of their lack of knowledge about these tools and machinery.

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